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American Airlines has different policies on baggage. Learn more about their carry-on and checked bag policies before you book.
Visit the following American Airlines pages for more information: Baggage policies | Delayed or damaged bags | Special items
Prompt notification of a damaged bag helps us get your property to you promptly therefore all American Airlines and American Eagle airport locations are equipped to handle the initial report, evaluation and settlement of damage claims. If your bag is damaged, please notify us:
Please notify us as soon as possible. Failure to report damage to baggage within the prescribed time limit releases American Airlines/American Eagle/American Connection® from any liability.
The TSA places a written notification inside the bag or a seal on the outside of the bag after an inspection. Since American is not liable for damage resulting from TSA inspections, please contact the TSA at 1-866-289-9673 if you believe your bag has been damaged as a result of an inspection.
Never check a bag that doesn't completely close. If you need a luggage strap or bungee cord to keep the bag closed, it probably won't survive the trip. | |
Check your bag carefully in the baggage claims area before leaving the airport. | |
Never check a bag that is meant to be carried on. Most briefcases, tote bags, plastic garment covers and items received through retail promotions are not designed to be checked luggage. | |
Don't over-pack. Over-packing puts a strain on zippers, seams, frames and hinges. | |
Consider replacing old or worn luggage. Luggage that is several years old may not be able to withstand automated baggage handling systems. |