Carry-on baggage
Know what you can carry on
There are some items that can only travel in your carry-on bag (and some items that must be checked). Make sure you know where to pack these restricted items – and if you can carry them on.
Carry-on: 1 bag and 1 personal item
Your personal item must be smaller than your carry-on baggage (like a purse, briefcase or laptop bag) and fit under the seat. Diaper bags, child safety seats and medical or mobility devices don’t count as your carry-on or personal item.
If your items don’t fit in the overhead bin or under the seat, they may need to be checked
There may be additional carry-on baggage restrictions at certain airports or on certain airplanes
Shouldn’t exceed 22 x 14 x 9 inches / 23 x 36 x 56 centimeters (including handles and wheels)
Must fit in the sizer at the airport
Musical instruments are also considered a carry-on item and must fit in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you.
In addition, when traveling with a pet, the kennel or container counts as your carry-on and the carry-on pet fee also applies.
TSA allows certain duty-free liquids through security in your carry-on bag if they’re packaged in a security tamper-evident bag. If you’re traveling with liquids or are unsure about any item, please contact the TSA.