• Experiences
  • WAH Madrid, the show that everyone should experienceWAH Madrid, the show that everyone should experience
WAH Madrid, the show that everyone should experience

Come enjoy the world's best show in the purest Las Vegas and Broadway style, with all your favourite songs performed as you have never heard them before. Music and gastronomy in a spectacular Street Food Market where you can try cuisine from 5 continents and the best cocktail bar in the city.

WAH Madrid, offers a resounding experience to make every part of the body vibrate. An entertaining experience in three acts, including a unique gastronomic event: a 2,000m2 Food Hall where you can enjoy live gastronomic performances that are continually updated to the delight of those attending. They are in both Street Market format as well as in a more private version where you can try a special tasting menu. A musical show of the highest artistic and visual quality, and an after party where you can continue enjoying the music. A comprehensive leisure event that is both disruptive and original, on a grand scale, where entertainment is guaranteed and the audience plays an active role in the show.
Life is just an excuse for a celebration and WAH is the perfect place for it.

With your Stopover fare, enjoy a free cocktail when your purchase a ticket.

Get a free cocktail when you book through the website or by calling +34 910 73 62 01

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Free cocktail


From €34.00

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Hola Madrid search engine
Round trip
Today: February 11, 2025
Today: February 11, 2025
When do you want to make your stopover in Madrid?
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How many nights do you want to spend in Madrid?
Information You have exceeded the number of nights available for the dates selected.
  • 1
    AdultFrom 12 years of age
    Information The maximum number of passengers is 9 (not including babies)
  • 0
    ChildFrom 2 years of age up until turning 11
    InformationThe maximum number of passengers is 9 (not including babies)

    Reserva para Menores de 5 a 12 años viajando solos. El servicio de acompañamiento es obligatorio e incluye un cargo adicional. Reserva para Menores de 12 a 17 años viajando solos. Puedes realizar la reserva como adulto si decides que viaje solo o puedes contratar nuestro servicio de acompañamiento. Si deseas solicitar una reserva para un menor con servicio de acompañamiento puedes continuar. Si deseas reservar para otro tipo de pasajero vuelve al formulario de búsqueda y modifica los criterios.

    An adult may travel with a maximum of 2 children under 5 (1 infant and one child or 2 children). If the third child (or more) is over 5 years old you may continue.

  • 0
    InfantUp until turning 2 years of age
    Information Number of infants cannot be higher than number of adults.

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