Pregnant women

Flying is completely safe and will not affect your pregnancy.


Iberia does not require any specific authorisation before 28 weeks of pregnancy.

The IATA Medical Manual recommends you to talk to your doctor after 28 weeks.

Your doctor will always indicate whether or not you should fly.

Iberia allows you to access the plane preferentially. Please talk to our staff at the boarding gate and they will let you know how to board first.

Women more than 36 weeks pregnant will not be able to fly on flights operated by Vueling

Flying when pregnant

Find out about the authorisations you will need to fly if you are more than 28 weeks pregnant.

After the 36th week of pregnancy (32nd in the case of multiple pregnancies without complications) IATA recommends against flying.

If you still need to fly, you must present a certificate from your doctor at the boarding gate.

You can start to fly again one week after giving birth.

Flying with newborn babies

Iberia permits travel from any time but recommends that premature babies or those less than 1 week old should not travel by air.


  • Pressure changes could bother your baby (consult your paediatrician).

  • We recommend you keep your baby well-hydrated before and after the flight, as newborn babies are highly susceptible to dehydration.

See how it applies to flights operated by

  • British Airways
  • American Airlines
  • Finnair

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