In general, you can't. The voucher constitutes a full and final refund of your booking. During the request process, we'll ask you for confirmation twice to ensure that you wish to proceed with the voucher refund. Once you have completed the request on our website or through our call centre, the voucher will be issued and your booking will be cancelled. Please also note that you will not be able to exchange the amount on the voucher for cash.
During the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020, I received a voucher refund for my ticket
In accordance with Article 88 b ("Refund of travel tickets and holiday packages") of Italian Law 77/2020, enacting Decree-Law 18/2020 (in the latest version introduced by Law 69/2021 of 21 May, enacting Decree-Law 41/2021 of 22 March), you have the right to claim a cash refund for the outstanding balance of your voucher if the following three conditions are met:
Your ticket was sold in Italy.
Your flight was scheduled to operate between 11 March and 30 September 2020.
Twelve or more months have passed since the voucher issue date.
Besides, if 24 or more months have passed since your voucher issue date, Iberia will automatically give you a cash refund of any remaining balance, even if you do not submit a claim.
These refunds will be made within 14 days and through the same payment method used to make the booking. For example, if you paid by card, we will make a deposit to your bank account. Please bear in mind that, depending on your agreed terms and conditions with your bank, it may take a little longer than this to receive the refund, e.g. if your credit card is settled monthly.
If you made your booking through a travel agency, we advise you to process your refund request through them.