Please read these General Terms and Conditions carefully, as they constitute the contract terms that must be accepted to participate in Club Iberia Plus.
I. Participation in the programme
The "Club Iberia Plus" (hereinafter "Programme" , “Club” or "Iberia Plus") offers its Members the opportunity to earn Avios and Elite Points by consuming products and/or services of Participating Companies and redeem them for other products and/or services provided these Companies. The system for earning and redeeming Avios shall be subject to the conditions established at any given time (hereinafter the "Operational Conditions").
The "Participating Companies" or "Partners" are entities affiliated with Club Iberia Plus through a participation agreement. These companies offer certain services to Members, the consumption of which may generate Avios and/or Elite Points or be paid for with Avios. There are no standard conditions applicable to all Participating Companies regarding earning or redeeming Avios. Members must verify the applicable conditions for each offered product/service before carrying out any earning or redemption transactions.
"Members" or "Iberia Plus Members" are individuals over the age of two (2) who have registered in the Programme through the channels enabled by Iberia at any given time, having previously read and accepted the terms and conditions (both General and Operational) of participation in the Programme.
Upon registering in Club Iberia Plus, Members must protect their accounts with a personal and non-transferable password, which will serve to identify them within the Programme and manage their accounts through the various authorised channels.
To ensure proper review and self-management of their data, Club Iberia Plus provides Members with access to their Private Area via, the Iberia App, or other enabled channels, requiring identification through their Club Iberia Plus Membership Number and access password.
Minors over two (2) years and under eighteen (18) years of age may be Members provided that their parents, guardians, or legal representatives have correctly completed, signed, and submitted the corresponding membership application form to Iberia via the designated channels. Submitting this form implies acceptance by the parent, guardian, or legal representative, on behalf of the minor, of the General and Operational Conditions of Club Iberia Plus, as well as Iberia’s Data Protection Policy. Legal representatives of minors shall be responsible for the minor's use of the Programme, with Iberia being exempt from any liability in this regard. If a minor, upon reaching legal adulthood, does not wish to continue as a Club Iberia Plus Member, they must notify Iberia in writing through the designated channels.A Member may request to leave the Programme at any time, with immediate effect.
The Programme reserves the right to cancel an account, revoke membership status, and seek appropriate liability from any Member who engages in improper, abusive, or fraudulent use of the benefits and/or privileges of the Programme or its associated levels, or who fails to comply with the rules and procedures set forth in the General or Operational Conditions. -
Each Club Iberia Plus account is personal and non-transferable. The membership number assigned by Iberia identifies the Member by their full name and personal account number, enabling them to participate in the Programme and enjoy its associated benefits. In the event of an account-related issue, the Member must notify Club Iberia Plus Service Centre, as the Programme assumes no liability for any improper or fraudulent use of the account before such notification is received.
Club Iberia Plus has various membership levels, depending on the number of flights taken or the Elite Points earned within the period from April 1 of each year to March 31 of the following year. The conditions for earning Elite Points and eligible flights for level progression must be consulted at
On March 31 of each year, the Club Iberia Plus membership level of all Programme Members will be updated, accounting for the Elite Points earned and/or flights taken up to that date. If the conditions for a level change are met, the benefits of the Member’s previous level will cease, and those of the new Card Level will take effect. -
Avios and Elite Points are not redeemable for cash or any goods outside those specified by the Programme. Avios and Elite Points cannot be combined with those granted by any programme other than Club Iberia Plus, except under agreements between Iberia and other airlines that allow the transfer of Avios between accounts when the Member holds an account in those programmes as well.
Generally, Avios and Elite Points are earned personally by the Member, meaning a Member may only earn Avios and/or Elite Points for products or services personally consumed. For exceptions, please consult Club Iberia Plus’s Operational Conditions and the earning conditions for each Partner, available at
Due to the nature of the Programme, Members must acknowledge and accept that any data published concerning the Participating Companies, available destinations, applicable mechanisms, and their respective tables should be considered as indicative. Participating Companies join the Programme through a time-limited contract. The earning mechanisms and tables are part of these agreements and may be modified at any time based on bilateral agreements between Iberia and other Partners. Any updates or substantial modifications to these conditions will be duly published in advance on
Members shall have the right to file claims when they believe that the information regarding their account and/or transactions provided by the Programme or displayed on is incorrect, or if a Participating Company has unduly denied the granting of Avios and/or Elite Points or other benefits.
In all such cases, Iberia’s liability shall be limited to correcting the error as soon as the Member provides verifiable proof of their entitlement with the Partner from whom they obtained the service. The Member must always retain copies of any documents sent to the Partner to support their claim in case of loss. -
Iberia shall only be responsible for the correct crediting of Avios and/or Elite Points that were not recorded at the appropriate time in accordance with the applicable conditions.
Iberia shall not be liable for any claims arising, directly or indirectly, from the contractual or non-contractual relationships between customers and Club Iberia Plus Partners regarding the use or acquisition of services or products from such companies, regardless of whether such relationships occurred in an Avios or Elite Points earning or redemption transaction.
A monthly expiration process will apply to the total Avios balance for customers who have not conducted any Avios earning or redemption transactions in the past 36 months. For these purposes, Avios transfers between "The British Airways Club," "Vueling Club," and Club Iberia Plus, or any other programme using Avios as currency, will not be considered earning or redemption transactions. Similarly, transfers between Club Iberia Plus Members will not be considered as transactions.
Members, notwithstanding their responsibility for tracking and managing their Avios account, will have access to information regarding the expiration date of their balance through their transaction and balance inquiry, when, according to the last transaction recorded in the Iberia Plus system, six (6) months or less remain before their balance expires. -
In the event of Programme termination, Members will be notified and will have one (1) additional month from the notification date to accrue Avios and Elite Points and three (3) months to redeem all Avios recorded in their account. After this period, no claims can be made against Iberia, its corporate group, or any Programme management company for this reason.
The Programme will be terminated without prior notice, obligation, or liability if at any time force majeure events or legal requirements prevent its continuation or development. -
Iberia may modify the structure and operation of the Programme at any time. If substantial changes are introduced, Iberia will notify Members via email and on its website at least one (1) month in advance.
In the event that the effective date is not specified, it shall be understood that the modifications become effective one (1) month after the email notification is sent and/or the publication on the website, whichever occurs first. A customer who does not wish to continue in the Programme may redeem the total balance of Avios recorded in their account within a period of three (3) months from the date of notification. -
These General Conditions are supplemented by the "Club Iberia Plus Operational Conditions," detailing the Avios and Elite Points earning and redemption process.
Both sets of terms shall be interpreted and applied in accordance with the Spanish laws, with the Spanish version prevailing. Customers shall assume responsibility for the use of the Programme in their respective countries of residence in accordance with the applicable local legislation in each case.
For any disputes related to these General and Operational Conditions, the parties expressly submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Madrid, waiving any other jurisdiction to which they may be entitled.
II. Data Protection
Club Iberia Plus is committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal data, in accordance with the Data Protection Policy published on