Dangerous goods and prohibited items

These are items that are prohibited on board the aircraft for safety reasons.

Información importante

Restrictions applied in the following countries: USA, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica.

Powder-like substances(*) that exceed the travel sized container requirement (12oz/350ml/350gr) are prohibited in the cabin of the aircraft.

  • We recommends that customers place these items in their checked bags to avoid the disposal at the checkpoint and/or gate.

  • Exemptions (**):
    Medically prescribed
    Baby formula
    Human remains
    Duty Free powder containers inside of a sealed bags (STEB)

    (*) Powder, clumpy, grainy, or compressed, for example: flour, sugar ground coffee, spices, powdered milk.
    (**) They may be subjected to screening by the Company.

Objects banned from the aircraft

Guns, firearms and other devices that discharge projectiles – devices capable, or appearing capable, of being used to cause serious injury by discharging a projectile. Explosives, ammunition, blasting caps, detonators, fuses, mines, grenades, flares, other explosive military stores, fireworksand other pyrotechnics, smoke-generating canisters and smoke-generating cartridges, dynamite, gunpowder and plastic explosives.
Inflammable liquids Inflammable liquids, such as fuel, diesel oil, methanol, paints, varnishes, solvents, adhesives, turpentine, petroleum our alcohol.
Inflammable solids and reagents Inflammable solids such as magnesium, fireworks lighters, celluloid films, sulphur, coal, matches or any other inflammable substance.
Oxidising materials
Oxidising materials and organic peroxides Oxidising materials and organic peroxides, such as bleach, bodywork repair kits, fertilisers or chlorates.
Toxic or infectious substances Toxic or infectious substances, such as incapacitating devices, samples for diagnosis, vaccines, rat poison, insecticides, herbicides, pesticides, arsenic, infected blood, bacterias or virus.
Radioactive material Radioactive material, such as pharmaceutical products with radioactive isotopes.
Corrosives Corrosives, such as acids, alkalis, apparatuses with mercury, electrical accumulators, car batteries or other apparatuses activated electrically by batteries.
Other items
Lithium batteries and e-cigarettesLithium batteries, e-cigarettes* and other dangerous items such as first-aid kits, ferromagnetic material, dry ice and car batteries. * transport permitted only in the cabin
Carrying cases
Carrying cases and security bags Security equipment such as portfolios, strongboxes or money bags with lithium batteries or pyrotechnics. Smart bags are accepted only if the batteries are removed and they fly with you on board.
Gasses and gas cylinders Compressed gases, liquefied gases, refrigerated liquefied gases or dissolved gases, such as propane, butane, acetylene, oxygen, nitrogen, insecticides, scuba tanks or lighters refills.
Other dangerous items
Other dangerous items Other items such as petrol engines, magnetized materials, lithium batteries or genetically modified organisms.
Liquid oxygen systems
Liquid oxygen systemsLiquid oxygen systems and electroshock weapons which contain explosives, compressed gases or lithium batteries.

Objects banned from the cabin

In addition to objects that are banned from onboard the aircraft, passengers are not permitted to carry the following articles into security restricted areas and on board an aircraft.

Guns and firearms
Guns, firearms and other devices that discharge projectiles – devices capable, or appearing capable, of being used to cause serious injury by discharging a projectile
Firearms of all types, such as pistols, revolvers, rifles, and shotguns.
Toy guns, replicas, and imitation firearms capable of being mistaken for real weapons.
Component parts of firearms, excluding telescopic sights.
Compressed air and carbon dioxide guns, such as pistols, pellet guns, rifles, and ball bearing guns.
Signal flare pistols and starter pistols.
Bows, cross bows, and arrows.
Harpoon guns and spear guns.
Slingshots and catapults.
Stunning devices
Stunning devices
Devices designed specifically to stun or immobilise
Devices for shocking, such as stun guns, Tasers, and stun batons.
Animal stunners and animal killers.
Disabling and incapacitating chemicals, gases, and sprays, such as mace, pepper sprays, capsicum sprays, tear gas, acid sprays and animal repellent sprays.
Sharp objects
Objects with a sharp point or sharp edge
Objects with a sharp point or sharp edge capable of being used to cause serious injury
Items designed for chopping, such as axes, hatchets and cleavers.
Ice axes and ice picks.
Razor blades; - Box cutters.
Knives with blades of more than 6cm.
Scissors with blades of more than 6cm as measured from the fulcrum.
Martial arts equipment with a sharp point or sharp edge.
Swords and sabres.
Workmen's tools
Workmen’s tools
Tools capable of being used either to cause serious injury or to threaten the safety of aircraft

Drills and drill bits, including cordless portable power drills.
Tools with a blade or a shaft of more than 6cm capable of use as a weapon, such as screwdrivers and chisels.
Saws, including cordless portable power saws.
Bolt guns and nail guns.
Can only be transported or carried as cargo.

To make your booking, for information on prices and the procedure to follow, please contact IAGCargo

Blunt instruments
Blunt instruments
Objects capable of being used to cause serious injury when used to hit
Baseball and softball bats.
Clubs and batons, such as billy clubs, blackjacks and night sticks.
Martial arts equipment.
Explosives and incendiary substances
Explosives and incendiary substances and devices
Explosives and incendiary substances and devices capable, or appearing capable, of being used to cause serious injury or to pose a threat to the safety of aircraft
Ammunition, Blasting caps.
Detonators and fuses.
Replica or imitation explosive devices.
Mines, grenades, and other explosive military stores.
Fireworks and other pyrotechnics.
Smoke-generating canisters and smoke-generating cartridges.
Dynamite, gunpowder, and plastic explosives.

Find out the regulations on liquids in carry-on baggage

First regulation Liquids, gels and/or aerosols unless placed in individual containers with a capacity of no more than 100 ml.
Liquids bag
Second regulation Containers should be placed inside a clear plastic bag with an opening and closing system and a capacity of no more than 1 litre.
Fitting liquids
Third regulation The contents of this bag should fit inside it comfortably. The bag should be completely closed and presented for inspection separately from the carry-on baggage.
Baggage Incidents Service

If there's an incident with your baggage at the destination airport, you can more information here. We'll do everything we can to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

More information

Flight mode icon

You can use electronic devices during the flight except if, under exceptional circumstances, the crew indicates otherwise, and as long as you keep them in flight mode or with the data emission and reception systems, such as WiFi or Bluetooth, disabled.

The use of electronic cigarettes, toys which emit radio frequencies, data transmitting devices without airplane mode and remote controlled equipment based on radio frequencies is prohibited.

Información importante

You may be asked the following questions by the airport security staff. Please check these points before your trip.

  • Is this your suitcase?

  • Did you pack your suitcase yourself?

  • Are you carrying anything in your suitcase for another person?

  • Has anyone had access to your luggage?

  • Are you carrying any electronic or electrical items?

Download our guide to dangerous items (PDF / 170kb)

If you want to transport a special item that is not on the list of dangerous goods or if you need to take more than four spare/loose batteries of less than 100wh, fill in this form.

We will process it if you fill in all the required fields and you send it to us at least 7 days before the departure of your flight. You will receive an answer to your enquiry through Serviberia.

It is strictly prohibited to take on board or check in any other dangerous goods not mentioned on the list. Neither is it permitted to exceed the maximum quantities indicated in our dangerous goods guide. In many cases, these products may be sent as air freight provided that they are packed in accordance with existing regulations. To request more information, please visit www.iagcargo.com.


And remember

  • Banned for your safety.
  • They cannot be carried either in the cabin or in the hold.
  • There are special regulations on liquids.

See how it applies to flights operated by

  • British Airways
  • American Airlines
  • Finnair

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Electronic items

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