Europe's leading airlines are making this voluntary commitment. Where Spain is concerned, both Iberia and Iberia Regional Air Nostrum are participating therein.
Offer the lowest available fare on each of our direct distribution channels.
We will offer you the lowest current fare available on the reservation system you have used, for your required journey. This applies when you request information on prices for a specific date, time and class of travel, via any of our direct reservation systems, SERVIBERIA any of our telephone reservation centres outside Spain, our IBERIA web sites, or any of our Ticket Offices.
Select the dates on which you wish to travel, including alternatives.
Remember that with most of the lowest fares you cannot change the chosen date of travel, you must buy the ticket in advance, stay at the destination for a specific period, and may be subject to other conditions too.
Make a reservation and purchase the required tickets as far in advance as possible.
Avoid choosing dates of travel that coincide with holiday periods.
Request specific fares for which you may be eligible (for example, Spanish "island residents", etc.).
IBERIA will inform you of the terms and conditions which apply to the fare selected, as well as any charges or taxes relating to the fare.
Please note that we can only give you information on fares available on the reservation system that you have chosen and that there may be different fares available on other reservation systems.
When calling within Spain, SERVIBERIA Agents can provide you, with information 24 hours a day on a wide range of fares to suit your requirements on telephone number 915 23 65 68.
If you are outside Spain and you prefer to make a local call, you may do so by contacting our reservation centre in the country in which you are staying. Their telephone numbers appears in local telephone directories and in timetables published by IBERIA.
Honour the agreed fare after payment.
Once you have purchased the ticket, the fare relating to the selected date, flight and class of service will not be subject to increase.
However, any modification to the ticket price which is due to regulatory changes governing relevant charges or taxes, will result in an additional payment or refund.
Inform passengers of delays, cancellations and re-routings.
When, for any reason, your flight is affected by a delay, cancellation or changes to the scheduled routing, IBERIA will provide you, as soon as possible, at the airport or on board the aircraft, with the most accurate and up-to-date information available and will provide regular updates. Wherever possible, we will let you know the estimated length of the delay and the estimated departure time.
If we have sufficient advanced warning of a situation prior to the scheduled flight departure time, our staff will try to give you details of the circumstances, via the telephone contact number given when making the reservation and will suggest alternatives to your planned trip. If you made your reservation via a Travel Agency and we do not have access to your contact number, we will inform the Travel Agency so that they can get in touch with you.
For air safety reasons, generally due to meteorological conditions, your flight may be diverted from the scheduled route and land at a different airport. Should this occur, the crew will inform you via the public address system. On arrival at the airport, our staff will give you every assistance in transferring you to your final destination as quickly as possible.
Assist passengers who experience delays.
As well as providing the information at its disposal as regularly as possible on the causes and likely length of a delay, IBERIA will give appropriate assistance to customers on flights which are affected, from the time of the delay until the operation proceeds.
On flights delayed for more than two hours1, light refreshments, meals or accommodation and communication facilities will be offered, provided these do not further delay the departure of the flight. Should the delay prevent you from taking a connecting flight, we shall try to give you priority on our next flight.
IBERIA will help you to arrange accommodation should you be away from home, if the flight is delayed for any reason. If you are unable to reach your destination on the planned date due to circumstances which are the company's responsibility, IBERIA will provide you with accommodation and meals.
This assistance will not be provided in exceptional circumstances which are beyond IBERIA'S control, for example, meteorological conditions, political disturbances, long term strikes in essential services, etc. Neither shall we offer this assistance should the flight undergo a further delay due to these circumstances.
1Assistance to delayed passengers where their flight forms part of a package tour, will be provided in accordance to the tour operator's published policy.
Ensure swift and efficient baggage reclaim.
One of the main objectives of our airport staff is to deliver your baggage in the shortest possible time, in order to avoid any unnecessary waiting time after disembarkation. These procedures, which are dependent on the conditions for each operation, are constantly being reviewed and improved to guarantee that your belongings are handled with the utmost care.
Priority delivery of baggage belonging to Business Plus and Business Class customers, as well as Platinum and Gold IB Plus Cardholders is also a stated objective.
Despite the rigor of our baggage check-in and loading processes, there may be exceptional cases when you cannot find your baggage on the carousel on arrival at your final destination. In this event, you should notify a Baggage Services Agent before leaving the reclaim area. We shall immediately activate our tracing and expediting systems and will do everything possible to deliver your baggage to you, free of charge, at the address you give us, within 24 hours of arriving at your destination, provided this does not contravene local regulations.
Likewise, in the event of you having to spend a night away from home, without your belongings, we will supply you with an overnight bag containing toiletries and other essential articles.
For greater peace of mind when travelling and in order to facilitate our identification procedures in the event of mislaid baggage, may we remind you that it is essential to label your luggage on the outside and it is also advisable to do so on the inside as well. You may use the identification tags held at our check in desks for this, giving your name, telephone numbers or any other personal identification you wish.
Please note that you should not carry fragile, perishable or valuable items such as medicines, money, jewellery or personal or business documents inside baggage to be checked in.
We would ask that you always retain all your original travel documents to facilitate any later claims: ticket, boarding card, baggage check-in labels, etc.
Allow reservations to be held or cancelled for a 24 hour period.
When you make your travel reservation through, by telephon, via SERVIBERIA or with any of our other reservation centres outside Spain, please note that:
You may hold your reservation without paying for the ticket, for a 24 hour period, subject to the expiry dates relating to the ticket.
If you book a fare, which requires immediate payment, you may cancel it, without charge, within 24 hours of making the booking. If a refund is required, this can only be carried out where the ticket was originally issued: Serviberia, Iberia ticket offices or authorised agencies. Management fees are non-refundable.
Refunds are not permitted for redemption tickets (spending Avios) issued to fly with airlines other than the Iberia Group.*
*Does not apply to tickets issued in the United States or Puerto Rico.
Speed up payment of refunds.
When you are entitled to a refund for an unused ticket, booked and issued directly from IBERIA, via SERVIBERIA, its website, or from any of its ticket offices, we will immediately refund the total amount paid, except in exceptional cases, when it may be necessary to check conditions of sale with the centre which issued the ticket.
Likewise we will refund any charges or taxes relating to those fares, the conditions of which do not allow for a refund on the price of the travel sector.
Please note that there are occasions when refunds cannot be carried out immediately, for example, refunds on lost or stolen tickets. Refunds on these are linked to the expiry date of the ticket.
To facilitate refunds on tickets, you will need to provide both your identification as ticket holder and the original unused flight coupons and the passenger coupon.
Take care of the essential needs of passengers during long delays on board the aircraft.
The safety and well being of our customers are fundamental to all our service procedures. Operational efficiency also requires us to honour our commitment to the customer concerning punctuality. This is also necessary to ensure we make the best use of resources and meet air traffic regulations. Punctuality, in customer service, is dependent on many factors, which in turn may cause undesirable delays on board.
Air traffic control regulations lay down very strict conditions regarding take-off and landing sequences. If a take-off slot is missed, due to delays occurring previously or air traffic congestion, mechanisms are activated to obtain a new departure time and there is a period of great uncertainty whilst authorisation is obtained. During this time, the decision to allow passengers to disembark can cause additional delays and happens only when it is certain that this will not occur.
Depending on the length and reason for the delay, our Crew will serve food and drinks to passengers, allow them access to toilets and, if necessary, arrange for any medical assistance that may be required. Having considered all the circumstances, the Captain of the aircraft may allow customers to disembark if they wish, provided that this affects neither the operation nor other passengers on the flight.
Provide information on the operating company.
With the aim of offering a wider network of destinations, or meeting its production needs, airlines enter into Commitment s with other airlines on the joint running or marketing of specific routes or aircraft. This collaboration can take several legal forms, from a simple code-share, which is limited to certain routes and allows the joint marketing of the aircraft by the different operators involved, to arrangements with greater linkage to the marketing company, such as franchising or long term leasing.
When you use SERVIBERIA to make your reservation, or another telephone reservation centre outside Spain, the IBERIA website or any of our Ticket Sales Offices, and any of the above circumstances apply to your flight, we shall remind you of the following:
The name of the company operating the flight. This information will also be provided when you check in for your flight. We have also given instructions to travel agencies, web pages and other distribution channels to provide this information to IBERIA customers who purchase tickets on flights where these arrangements apply.
You are establishing a contract of carriage with IBERIA, who, in these cases, is the marketing company for the flight.
In the case of code-shares, where IBERIA is the marketing company, the level of service provided by the operating company may be different to IBERIA's standards and, for this reason, some sections of this Service Commitment may not apply.
Before formalising these contracts, IBERIA goes through a process of harmonisation with its own standards. However, depending on the type of aircraft used or the standards of the other operator, there are usually differences with our own standards and procedures.
Assist passengers with reduced mobility or with special needs.
Passengers with reduced mobility require extra individual attention due to their personal difficulties, during all stages of travel. In particular, national and international regulations regarding on-board safety lay down a series of requirements aimed at guaranteeing your safe carriage. IBERIA is sensitive to these requirements and concentrates its efforts on providing a professional service to passengers with restricted or limited mobility: facilitating access to our aircraft, adapting procedures accordingly and constantly providing our staff with specific training. This is all aimed at guaranteeing your comfort as well as that of other passengers on the flight.
We also take the same care in meeting the needs of all those passengers who may require special attention during their trip, such as unaccompanied minors, special meals, etc.
Should you require any further information on the special services we offer, or on the conditions for the transportation of passengers with reduced mobility, you can obtain these at any Travel Agency, at our Ticket Offices, or by calling SERVIBERIA on 901 111 500, if you are calling from within Spain, or by calling the local reservation centre if you are outside Spain. The main Avios are outlined below.
Passengers with reduced mobility:
We include in this category those passengers who, due to sensory or movement limitations, may need special assistance to cope, for example, during the flight. Some passengers may require the use of a wheel chair for transfers, some may have hearing or sight difficulties, others may need a stretcher and some passengers, who for various reasons require other types of assistance on the flight. We will give all these passengers special assistance in the airport terminals areas, on board and when making connections.
Each IBERIA aircraft has a limited number of seats dedicated to these services. Furthermore, Civil Aviation regulations limit the number of passengers with reduced mobility who can be carried on each flight, depending on the type of incapacity and other factors. In order to pre-arrange the correct assistance required, reservations must be made at least 24 hours before the planned date of departure. We advise you to reserve your seat as far in advance as possible.
At the time of booking, we request that you state clearly the nature of your disability, or in the case of special needs, that you are specific about your travel requirements. Our reservations staff, with advice from our Medical Service, will provide you with any information you may need; they will reserve the seat, which is most appropriate for your personal circumstances, and request that the necessary services are at your disposal on the day.
Please see the appendix to this document, "MEETING THE NEEDS OF PERSONS WITH REDUCED MOBILITY". When you are planning your trip, do not hesitate to request more detailed information at any of our Ticket Offices, Travel Agencies or through SERVIBERIA, by calling 900 111 500, 24 hours a day if you are calling within Spain, or by calling the local reservation centre, if you are outside Spain.
Unaccompanied minors:
As a general rule, children under 12 years of age must be accompanied during their flight. Children under the age of 5 should be accompanied by an adult family member. For children who are aged between 5 and 11 years old on the date of travel, IBERIA offers the option of them travelling unaccompanied by relatives or guardians, by arranging for our staff to escort them. However aeronautic regulations limit the number of unaccompanied minors on each aircraft.
During the entire travel process, from receiving them at check-in to handing them over at the destination airport, including accompanying them in transit if the trip involves transfers, our staff will take care of the children with sensitivity and responsibility. When booking this service, you should provide your identification and contact details as parents or guardians and also details of the person responsible for meeting them at the destination airport. We shall then be able to both identify the person responsible for meeting them and also to communicate with you should the need arise.
We would also like to draw your attention to the following recommendations:
Make your reservation at least 24 hours before the start of the trip.
Arrive at the airport well in advance in order to be able to complete all the necessary documentation in good time.
Hand the child an additional copy of the contact telephone numbers relating both to the point of origin and destination.
Do not leave the airport premises until you have confirmation that the flight has departed.
Special meals:
We aim to meet the special dietary needs which some of our passengers have for medical, dietary, religious or other reasons. IBERIA therefore offers the possibility of requesting a meal, which is specially adapted to your needs, at the time of booking, on those flights offering a meal service.
In order to ensure we can meet your request, please specify the type of special meal you would like as far in advance as possible, always at least 24 hours prior to the flight departure time.
Take measures to ensure a fast and efficient check-in.
Generally speaking, the time limit to present at check-in and therefore be accepted on any IBERIA flight is 45 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time. However, we recommend you give yourself enough time to avoid unnecessary waits, especially on international flights, where in addition to the security checks you will have to undergo the corresponding passport controls.
The main airports in the IBERIA network have staff at the check-in area whose job it is to distribute queues equally among the different counters and who you can approach if you are running out of time to check-in. In any case, you can report to the counters at the last minute, from where the flights are closed to check-in.
IBERIA is pioneering the establishment of alternative ticket sale and check-in systems, always seeking to simplify as much as possible the procedures you must go through to travel. In terms of check-in, the oldest example is to get your boarding pass sent to your home, or pick it up from any of our Stores or your travel agency. This means that if you do not have baggage to check you can head straight to your flight’s boarding area. In this case we recommend you present at least 20 minutes prior to departure, either at the boarding gate, the VIP lounge or any IBERIA information desk, in order to confirm your seat.
With the same goal in mind and in conjunction with various organisations including port authorities and trade fair groups, IBERIA offers offsite check-in services, operational when certain events are held.
Our concern for always finding new ways to make your travel procedures easier has led us to develop a new alternative check-in solution: Auto Check-in. Thanks to this groundbreaking system, you can ask for anything from a change of seat to obtaining your boarding pass. These machines, installed in the main Spanish airports, will save you time and stop you from having to queue up at the counters. In short, you can enjoy a more comfortable, practical and faster service.
Regardless of the way you obtained your boarding pass and the safety and/or immigration checks you must do, please remember you should be seated onboard the aircraft at least 10 minutes before the scheduled departure time.
Reduce the number of passengers who are denied boarding.
Due to the flexibility attached to many fares, it is general practice in the commercial aviation industry for a certain number of customers with confirmed reservations not to show up for the flight they have booked. In order to allow other passengers to travel on the flight of their choice, even when this may theoretically be full, airlines accept a higher number of reservations than seats available on the aircraft. Estimation of these numbers is carried out using rigorous statistical analysis of the behaviour of demand over similar periods. This practice benefits both the customer, who enjoys greater flexibility in taking trips and lower prices, as well as the airline, which employs these systems, to effectively manage aircraft capacity.
Both the European Union and the majority of countries in which IBERIA operates, have legislation on this practice, establishing compensation and services which should be offered to passengers affected by denied boarding.
When the forecasts fail and the final number of passengers with confirmed reservations who present themselves for the flight is greater than the number of seats available, the check-in or boarding agents will begin the process of seeking passengers who are willing to give up their seat voluntarily, in exchange for monetary compensation and the guarantee of a confirmed seat on a later flight.
Should there not be a sufficient number of voluntary passengers, we provide those affected with the compensation established by law for cases of involuntary passenger off-loading, changing their reservation for a later flight or refunding the amount of the unused ticket, if the passenger so wishes. The order in which we determine denied boarding is established by the time at which you check in and we also take into account the personal situation of the customer, such as passengers with reduced mobility, unaccompanied minors, the fare the customer has paid or their membership of the IBERIA PLUS programme.
During the time you are waiting to travel on to your destination, we cover normal accommodation and meal expenses.
In any event, it would help us greatly when, for any reason you decide not to use your confirmed reservation for a flight, you let us know as soon as possible by calling SERVIBERIA (900 111 500) when calling from within Spain, any of our reservations centres outside Spain, or in person at our Ticket Offices or Travel Agencies.
Provide passengers with information on conditions of sale and operation.
Whenever possible, we undertake to provide you in advance, with information and specific details regarding your trip.
When you make the reservation (provided we have the information at that time):
Scheduled flight departure and arrival times
Departure and arrival airport/terminal
Number of stops en route
Any changes to aircraft, terminal or airport
All conditions relating to the payable fare
Name of the operating company and flight number
Whether smoking is permitted (code-shares only)
In the event of a change to the company operating your flight, which you have not previously been informed about and where this is not acceptable to you, you will be entitled to a refund on the ticket, or, alternatively, to be carried on the next IBERIA or IBERIA Regional - Air Nostrum flight which has a seat available in the same class.
When you obtain your ticket:
Confirmation of flight times
Baggage allowance and limits of responsibility
Hand baggage allowance
If, prior to purchasing the ticket, the company makes a significant change to the scheduled flight time, which is not acceptable to you, and if we are unable to book you on an acceptable alternative flight, you will be entitled to a refund.
On request (for IBERIA services and, only if the information is available, for services operated by other companies):
IBERIA regularly updates the information pages of the main commercial distribution systems which are accessed by all the Travel Agencies and IBERIA Ticket Sales Offices, in addition to other publications and communications which support the rapid dissemination of this information.
The type of aircraft scheduled to operate the route and the distance between seats
Services normally offered on board
Facilities for passengers with special needs and any charge which will be made for them (except passengers with reduced mobility, in accordance with details provided in Section 8)
Whether specific seats may be allocated or reserved in advance
Excess baggage charges
Conditions of carriage
Information on the IBERIA PLUS programme
Arrangements for assistance in the event of lost, damaged or delayed baggage.
Detailed information on the IBERIA Quality Plan, which lays out the Airline Companies' Service Commitment with Passengers.
For all general inquiries, you can contact us via email
Handle passenger complaints efficiently.
Our objective is to establish a lasting, professional and satisfying relationship with you and with all our customers. We see your comments about our services as a token of trust. They provide us with a new opportunity to come that bit closer, day by day, to meeting all your expectations, until finally succeeding.
At times, conditions beyond our control and external factors interfere with the air traffic, thereby possibly affecting flights, flight schedules or causing unexpected situations, which we do our utmost best to resolve immediately.
When we are unable to resolve the situation as soon as it has occurred, we provide you with subsequent personalised and detailed services.
You can inform us about any unresolved matters by contacting our customer service centres: Serviberia, or Iberia Baggage Service Centre. You may also contact us to provide us with any comments regarding the services we provided.
You can send any claims, complaints, suggestions or praise about our services by email to our Customer Services Centre. We undertake to analyse your comments, take the necessary subsequent action and reply within a period of 28 days, starting on the date on which we receive your correspondence. We will notify you if the enquiry into your case requires more time than the established 28-day period.
Attending to the needs of people with reduced mobility (PRM).
The purpose of this document is to render air transport more accessible to people with reduced mobility, guaranteeing that their needs are understood and met and that their safety and dignity are respected. The document is intended for airlines that provide services and facilities in airports and aircraft, and can be used as a basis for the preparation of one or more voluntary codes of conduct. When developing codes, the appropriate provisions of Document 30 (Section 5) of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) and Appendix 9 of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) must be taken into account. The aforementioned documents are a source of technical information and have been drafted with input from the air transport industry and the governmental bodies responsible for establishing regulations and recommended practices.
People with reduced mobility (PRM) are held to comprise anyone whose mobility is restricted by a physical disability (sensorial or locomotor), a deterioration of their intellectual faculties, age or any other type of handicap when using a means of transport, and whose situation requires special attention and the adaptation of the services placed at the disposal of all passengers to their needs.
Basic postulates
PRM have the same rights to free movement and free choice as any other citizen. This is just as applicable to travelling in aeroplanes as to every other situation in life.
It is the responsibility of airlines, airports and the agents of services related to both to attend to the needs of PRM. Similarly, it is the responsibility of PRM to specify their requirements via the appropriate channels, at the proper time.
The information necessary for PRM to be able to plan their journeys must be provided.
The costs to which attending to PRM gives rise must not be directly passed on to them.
Disabilities must not be regarded as illnesses. PRM must therefore not be asked to make medical statements concerning their disabilities as a condition for admitting them to a flight.
Organisations that represent PRM shall be consulted over matters related to attending to such people.
Suitable training geared to understanding and catering for the needs of PRM shall be provided.
Security checks and monitoring shall be carried out in a manner that respects the dignity of PRM.
PRM must be allowed the greatest degree of independence possible.
Airline practices
No transport operator may refuse to carry PRM, unless it is unable to do so safely or to physically accommodate them, or is unable to provide specific services which may be required during the flight. In the event of not admitting PRM to a service, operators shall explain the reasons for their refusal clearly and explicitly.
PMR passengers who are not able to manage on their own must always be accompanied. The airline does not provide sanitary, hygienic or safety onboard assistance. For more information you should consult our Call Centre.
Airlines shall endeavour to seek technical and operative options for improving access to and facilities in aeroplanes of all sizes, particularly when undertaking major reconditioning work.
In cases in which it is not possible to provide a direct route for PRM (due to the small size of an aeroplane, for example), airlines shall undertake to propose an acceptable alternative.
Regardless of the size of airports or aircraft, the dignity of PRM must be respected during boarding and disembarkation formalities.
Space permitting, airlines shall provide adapted onboard fittings geared to facilitating the autonomy of PRM, within the limits of health, hygiene and safety restrictions.
PRM shall be treated equally as regards the allocation of seats, within the limits imposed by safety requisites. In the event of a request to be allocated a specific seat being refused for safety reasons, airlines shall explain the grounds for their decision clearly and explicitly.
Guide dogs shall be carried in the cabin in accordance with airline rules and national import regulations. No fee shall be charged for the carriage thereof. PRM shall not be charged for the transport of basic objects that facilitate their mobility or of other essential auxiliary elements, in the case of disability.
Airlines must take all reasonable measures in their power to avoid the loss of or damage to objects that facilitate mobility or other auxiliary elements, in the case of disability. In the event of any such loss or damage, airlines shall take the necessary action to cater for immediate needs as regards individual mobility.
Air Carrier Access Act
Text of EU Regulation 1107/2006:
A copy of Part 382 may be obtained from the Department of Transportation by the following means:
By telephone:
For calls made from within the United States, by telephone via the Toll-Free Hotline for Air Travelers with Disabilities at 1-800-778-4838 (voice) or 1-800-455-9880 (TTY).
By telephone to the Aviation Consumer Protection Division at 202-366-2220 (voice) or 202-366-0511 (TTY).
By mail:
to the Air Consumer Protection Division C-75, US Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE West Building, Room W96-432 Washington, DC 20590
On the Aviation Consumer Protection Division's Web site